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While clients are receiving treatment at Waco Center for Youth, they get daily opportunities to earn stars that can be spent at our campus store called The CeNTER.

Clients earn stars based on meeting their daily goals for attending and participating in school, programming, and therapy. This unique incentive program provides our clients the option to purchase all sorts of therapeutic items with their earned stars twice a week in the Center. Having the option to pick what they want, motivates and encourages them to reach their goals.
Don't have the time to shop? Let us do the shopping for you by clicking the donate button below to make a donation towards the purchase of clothing.
Consider donating a gift card for the Community Relations staff to go shopping for specific requests the clients ask for when shopping in The CeNTER!
Mail the Gift Card to the following:
Volunteer Services Council
C/O WCY - Community Relations Department
3501 N 19TH ST
Waco, TX 76708
Send an eGift Card to the following:
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